Books, Manuals, & Paper

As a rule, Black Dog Military Antiques doesn't sell anything that we wouldn't keep in our own collection, so you won't find paper items that look like they were pulled out of a kid's school bag at the end of the school year. Due to age, there may be some bent corners or loose bindings, but everything will be readable and decent enough for display.

Any flaws that we find, we will document in the descriptions and images, but always feel free to ask any questions before committing to a sale.Ā 

All items are to be considered original unless noted otherwise as a reproduction.

WW1 Bugle Signals, Calls, & Marches

WW1 "Parley Voo Booklet"Ā 

WW1 Handy Manual - TX & GA

WW1 Deck & Boat Book 1914/1918Ā 

WW2 YMCA Service Book

WW2 Japanese Language Guide

WW1 YMCA - France - Our Ally

WW2 Army Navy Service Book

The Second Mile - YMCA

We Return - Philippines Guide Book

Navy Rates Guide Book

Engineer Training Note Book

FM 22-5 Infantry Drill Regulations

U.S. Navy Bluejackets Manual - 1940

FM 21-150 Unarmed DefenseĀ  (A)

Combination Score Book

Civil Defense Air Raid Wardens

Caliber .50 M2 Browning Machine Gun

Combined Operations - Commandos

Fort Meade, Maryland Information

FM 7-20 Infantry Battalion

Shell Oil Co.'s Service Ribbon Guide

FM 23-30 Grenades

TM 21-305 Driver's Manual

TM 30-602 French Phrase Book

FM 21-11 First Aid For Soldiers

FM 8-55 Medical Field Manual

You Don't Think

FM 21-150 Unarmed Defense (B)

FM 21-100 Soldier's Handbook

U.S. Army Regulations - 1917

Sanitary Troops - 1917

31st Infantry Division Yearbook

Going Back To Civilian Life

FM 24-5 Signal Communication

The Bluejacket's Manual - 1943

ID'd w/ War Service France Our Ally

The Nurse and the Knight - YMCA (2)

Noncommissioned Officers' Manual

WW1 YMCA - The Beloved Captain

WW1 - Songs for the Hour


What Germany is Fighting For

Friend or Enemy-WW1 YMCA Booklet

Popular Songs of the AEF - YMCA (1)

Service Song Book - WW1 YMCA (1)

Vive La France - WW1 YMCA

Popular Songs of the AEF - YMCA (2)

The Service Song Book - WW1 YMCA

Active Service French Book - YMCA

Friend or Enemy - WW1 YMCA

Service Song Book - WW1 YMCA (2)

The Nurse and the Knight - YMCA (1)

Victory Songs - WW1 YMCA